Cluck, Cluck, Cluck

23 October 2008

hi ho, hi ho

Yesterday I went to work. In an actual office. With actual make up on my face at 7:45 in the morning and then I sat in front of a computer that was on a desk (rather than my lap) and wore my glasses and didn't read any (ok, many) blogs. I even managed, somewhat magically, to stay out of the constantly popping up political conversations about that governor who bought a house's worth of clothes on someone else's dime.

No, I didn't get a job.


Its funny that you thought that.

I have been applying for jobs, but nothing has stuck yet.

I was at my dad's office. Hammering out his expense report that he has failed to get done since February when they changed the system.

It was kind of nice to be around adults all day. No one asked me to help them go potty or cut their food for them and at no point did I have to get down on my hands and knees and pick up blocks. And to top it all off, I got to wear my cute shoes.

I could deal with a little office time. I'd like a part time gig. Like in the mornings when Daughter is at pre-school. In my fantasy life you can get a job where you get to dress like a grown up and only work M-W from 8am-Noon.

I'm sure that job will be falling in my lap any day now. Any. Day. Now.

But for now its back to Clifford and blocks and yoga pants.

Daughter is with her Dad this weekend and I will be finishing up the report for my father.
Perhaps I will even get to socialize with people my own age. Like go to dinner, with a friend. How novel. I've also got to seriously figure out how to make her Halloween costume. I'm thinking Velcro and super glue. Damn, I wish I was crafty.

Also, I went and signed up for NaBloPoMo. So I need to figure out what I'm going to write about for 30 days straigt. Or go find a bunch of memes that I can use as filler. . .

1 comment:

lupingirl said...

Sounds like you and I have the same fantasy life job. Wait, maybe we work in the same office! What floor are you on?