Cluck, Cluck, Cluck

08 November 2008

ha! i totally didn't miss the deadline!

I sort of thought I was going to flake tonight. My friend and fellow board member and current "roommate" who have spent the past several hours shopping and eating at a place called the Pink Door (Or Pink Room?) were talking about going to a movie, but got out of the Gap with and hour to kill and decided to walk home at 9:30 instead of 1am.

So, I'm chillin' in the Business Room at the hotel with a strange computer and my blog. And I wasn't wearing great walking shoes. I will never understand why the ergo shoe totally gives me a nasty set of blisters if I walk around in them all day. Damn.

Meetings went great. Lots of work to do in the next year. Lots of travel too. I'll be going to Seattle three times, Boise, and Houston in addition to family trips for Christmas (Seattle, Oregon, Chicago, South Bend...what the hell is wrong with me?) and Spring Break in SoCal (Disneyland, SeaWorld, SanDiego Zoo, Temecula with my parents, my three year old, my boyfriend and probably his kid).

I heart a travel budget. Espicially one that comes with cool people, good work, food, and sweet hotel rooms.

Seriously. I mean, S E R I O U S L Y.

Ok. The computer room is an in demand area and there is a whole. lot. of. cable. tv upstairs.


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