Cluck, Cluck, Cluck

21 November 2008

it is a steel magnolias sort of a day

I am having a Steel Magnolias sort of a day. I am certain that plenty of people know what that means. All I want to do is curl up under a blanket, put in Steel Magnolias and loose my shit for awhile.

Didn't see that one coming.

I am in Seattle. Staying downtown. I have a car and no plans for hours and zero modivation to do ANYTHING.

I called Daughter, which was, perhaps an err in judgement. She is not happy and so...GUILT!

Christ, you know what it is. Daughter and I would be having so much fun if we were here together. So I feel like an asshole for leaving her at home and I feel like an asshole for not doing anything while I'm here since I'm here and I have no schedule.

Oh! But I've had about six arguments with Boyfriend in the 18 hours that I've been here. Sweeeeeeeeet.

I did go to the Elliot Bay Bookstore. Which is one of my favorite places. I bought this.

And I went to Sephora, because it is delicious.

And I went to Whole Foods because it is also delicious, although the hand roll that I bought for lunch was a little more complicated than I was anticipating.

Ok. We have dinner reservations here and are going running at one of my all time favorite places on earth tomorrow.

I'm enjoying this and looking forward to shopping for this.

That is all.

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